Photo-documentation of Roman Paintings at Luxor Temple, the Roman Praesidium. Key Maps, April 2006
- Description:
- Photo-documentation of Roman Paintings at Luxor Temple, the Roman Praesidium. Key Maps, April 2006
- Physical Description:
- 3 pages
- Date Created:
- April 2006
- Language:
- English
- Collection:
- Luxor Roman Wall Paintings
- Series:
- Location:
- Luxor, Egypt
- Time Period:
- New Kingdom Egypt (1548-1086) and Tetrarchy (284-313 AD)
- Topic:
- Fresco painting, Antiquities, Roman, Temple of Luxor (Luxor, Egypt), and Mural painting and decoration, Roman--Conservation and restoration
- Genre:
- key plans
- Creative Commons License:
- Rights Statement:
- Users must agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the CC BY NC SA license before using ARCE materials and must provide the following credit line: "Reproduction courtesy of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc. (ARCE). This project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)."
- Funding Agency:
- The conservation of Roman frescoes in the imperial cult chamber of the Luxor temple was made possible with funding by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Grant No. 263-G-00-93-00089-00 and administered by the Egyptian Antiquities Project (EAP) of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE).